MBDA 为第三方组织提供资金,这些组织提供服务以支持该机构促进少数族裔企业 (MBE) 成长和全球竞争力的使命。我们经常发布资助机会公告,邀请申请补助金、合作协议和其他资金来源。请继续阅读以了解当前可用的联邦补助金。
如何申请 MBDA 补助金
注册您的企业以申请 MBDA 补助金
注册您的企业以获取唯一实体 ID 号,以便可以跟踪您的应用程序。 接下来向 SAM 注册。 为此,您需要贵组织的授权官员和雇主识别号。 创建Grants.gov账户需要这两个数字。
访问MBDA.gov上的特定拨款页面,了解有关该计划的更多信息并查找常见问题。 然后,从 Grants.gov 找到并下载拨款申请包。 请观看 YouTube 视频:为联邦拨款制定合理、可分配和允许的预算。
所有申请前的电话会议演示文稿也可在mbda.gov的特定拨款网页上查阅,以备将来参考。 请观看 YouTube 视频:拨款流程概述。
仔细阅读公告,特别注意公告的关键部分。 在C部分查看您的资格,在D部分中找到截止日期和要求,并在E部分了解甄选流程。完成申请起草后,请确保满足公告中列出的所有要求。 请观看 YouTube 视频:超值预算的食材。
申请完成后,登录Grants.gov并提交申请。 申请必须在截止日期之前提交。 提交后,打印提交确认书。
Operator Name: Johnetta Hardy Bowie State will teach and deliver an entrepreneurial curriculum tailored to support undergraduate student entrepreneurs....
Project Director: Helen Turner Chaminade pilots a Sustainability Entrepreneurship course (expanding to a public certificate program) and develop a “Pathways to Entrepreneurship” series of workshops and seminars....
IAIA is enhancing its Business and Entrepreneurship Certificate Program Development Project, which provides a solid foundation of business literacy and applied business skills....
Operation HOPE to focus on advancing women of color entrepreneurs in key growth industries including tech, exports, food service, e-commerce, transportation, and manufacturing....
The pilot project titled, “Immersive Delivery and Experiential Entrepreneurship Alternative (IDEEA), which aims to revamp the entrepreneurship minor offered in the College of Business Administration to build the capabilities of undergraduates to open their own businesses. The programming will include seminars, labs, and lectures related to ideation and business modeling, understanding venture financing and developing successful business plans. The program will serve the defined business needs of...
Project Director: T. Nichole Phillips Shaw is developing six classes and expanding its entrepreneurship curricula creating a seminar series, distinguished entrepreneur series, experiential activities (micro internships), and a business incubator....
Operator Name: Donald Andrews Southern University operates an entrepreneurship institute for developing an entrepreneurship curriculum focused on innovation, technology and leadership education through academic courses, workshops, conferences, and electronic media....
Project Director: Dr. Asif Ashiqali St. Augustine is enhancing its existing small business program and create an entrepreneurship/business leadership concentration in the undergraduate business program....
Project Director: Sandra R. Pedraza Sagrado is creating five mentorship hubs composed of a specialized industry module as well as expand the technical support services and training for entrepreneurship....
University of Hawaii...