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  1. External Research

Content tagged with External Research

Madison Public Works Disparity Study

Published by Keen Independent Research for City of Madison, Wisconsin This study assisted in determining if there is a level playing field for minority and women-owned firms when competing for the City of Madison’s public works contracts and subcontracts. About 2 percent of businesses related to public works construction contracting in Dane County are owned by racial and ethnic minorities. About 7...

State of New York 2016 MWBE Disparity Study Policy Review Final Report Volume II

Published by Mason Tillman Associates, Ltd. Volume II of the State of New York's Policy Review Report provided race and gender-neutral recommendations to mitigate the disparities in MWBE participation on state contracts. The study recommended enhancements to the MWBE Program Components of by streamlining the MWBE certification process, (1) modifying the certification application for new businesses...

State of New York 2016 MWBE Disparity Study Volume I

Published by Mason Tillman Associates, Ltd. The State of New York’s disparity study analyzed the state’s underutilization of Minority and Woman-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) at the prime contract and subcontract levels across four industries: construction, construction-related services, non-construction related services, and commodities and other services. The study found that MWBE utilization...

Louisville & Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) Disparity Study

Published by Mason Tillman Associates, Ltd Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) programs are designed to ensure that minority-owned businesses are afforded equal access to public contracting opportunities. MBE programs can contain both race-conscious and race neutral policies and procedures to achieve the objectives of the program. Prime contractor utilization between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2015...

State of Indiana 2020 Disparity Study

Published by BBC Research & Consulting The study evaluated the State of Indiana’s Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (M/WBE) Program. The Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA) operates the State of Indiana’s M/WBE Program, which is designed to encourage the participation of minority and women-owned businesses in state contracting and create a fair, competitive, and equitable...

Hawaii Department of Transportation 2019 Availability and Disparity Study

Published by Keen Independent Research Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) study demonstrated the ongoing need for analysis and evaluation of a state’s DOT’s efforts to ensure equitable availability and access to public contracting opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses. The disparity study was launched in March 2018. Keen Independent completed an Availability Study report in...

Georgia Department of Transportation Disparity Study

Published by Griffin & Strong, P.C. for the State of Georgia Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) study demonstrated the ongoing need for analysis and evaluation of a state’s DOT efforts to ensure equitable availability and access to public contracting opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses. The study analyzed the contracting and subcontracting activities of GDOT, its prime...

Minority, Women, and Small Business Enterprise Disparity Study for the City of Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida and Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency

Published by MGT Consulting Group A study commissioned by the City of Tallahassee produced factual evidence to support the continuation of a race and gender-conscious local MWBE procurement program based on findings of MWBE utilization as prime contractors or subcontractors and using statistical data for five business categories. The Study analyzed procurement trends and practices for the study...

Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Disparity Study, Final Report

Published by Mason Tillman Associates, Ltd. The authors performed a disparity analysis on all prime contracts and subcontracts awarded by Miami-Dade County (Florida) from January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2011. The analysis found statistically significant underutilization (“disparity”) at both the prime contract and subcontract levels for several minority groups. Disparity was found for African...

District of Columbia Department of Small and Local Business Development Comparative Analysis: Minority and Women-Owned Business Assessment

Published by CRP, Inc. In fulfillment of a legislative mandate pursuant to the authority set forth in the Establishment of the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Assessment Program, the District of Columbia’s Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) commissioned CRP to evaluate if there is a specific evidentiary foundation against minority- and women-owned businesses; assess if...

Connecticut Disparity Study: Phase 2

Published by Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering for the Connecticut General Assembly and the Government Administration and Elections Commission A disparity study of Connecticut's Small and Minority Business Enterprise Set-Aside Program was conducted. In Phase 2 the study reviewed Diversity Data Management System Specification and Review Agency Procedures; Practices Related to System...

Small Business Credit Survey - 2021 Report on Firms Owned by People of Color

Published by : U.S. Federal Reserve Banks The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted communities of color and small businesses of color, in many cases to a greater extent than their white counterparts. Prior to the pandemic, small businesses owned by people of color, in aggregate, faced greater challenges than white-owned firms. The 2020 Small Business Credit Survey (SBCS) provides evidence that...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Business Owners: The First Three Months After Social-Distancing Restrictions

Published by : Robert W. Fairlie, Ph.D. This paper provides the first analysis of impacts of the pandemic on the number of active small businesses in the United States using nationally representative data from the April 2020 CPS – the first month fully capturing early effects. The number of active business owners in the United States plummeted by 3.3 million or 22 percent over the crucial two...