The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provided Treasury with $500 million to deploy technical assistance (TA) for underserved entrepreneurs to access $10 billion in State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) funding. $100 million of that amount has been transferred to MBDA to assist with this effort.
Before the end of the year, MBDA plans to issue a $100 million notice of funding opportunity to provide TA to help socially and economically disadvantaged individuals (referred to as SEDI) businesses apply to approved SSBCI programs and other Federal or governmental programs that support small businesses.
To stay informed with updates on MBDA’s SSBCI program, please subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social.
MBDA is establishing an Program Management Office (PMO) under the Office of the Under Secretary to maintain oversight of the SSBCI Program. The PMO will keep the Under Secretary and Chief Operating Officer (COO) apprised of key program updates and milestones. Be a part of a team that leads the effort in creating an institutional quality program, implement best practices, and cement the agency’s future.
Program Analyst (Compliance and Reporting), GS-13
Closes 11/01