The Minority Business Development Agency continues to stand in full support of our minority communities. We are especially thankful for the minority-owned businesses and individuals who are combating COVID-19 – be they the healthcare workers or emergency responders as well as those in essential services such as mail delivery, grocery stores, laundry services, and many others.
Further, we recognize that minority communities and businesses have been particularly hurt and continue to face enormous challenges due to COVID-19. Many of these are small businesses and sole proprietorships that now, more than ever, need access to the available resources from the federal government.
At this very critical time, MBDA will support the minority business community with the deployment of federal funding under sections 1107 and 1108 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was signed into law by President Trump on March 27,2020.
Congress has authorized $10 million in supplemental funding for the current MBDA business centers and minority chambers of commerce for education, training, and advising small and minority business enterprises in their recovery from the effects of the COVID-19 crisis. MBDA recipients of CARES Act funding are required to dedicate staff members to support training and education as well as to focus on reporting the types of impacts COVID-19 has had on minority businesses. The award period is June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2021 CARES Act grants were awarded to the following MBDA Business Centers and minority chambers of commerce:
CARES Act grants were awarded to the following MBDA Business Centers and minority chambers of commerce:
MBE training, education, and consultation topics, provided by MBDA recipients, may include:
- Accessing federal funds related to capital and business resiliency
- Identification of funding provided for unique circumstances resulting from COVID-19
- The mitigation of the potential effects of COVID-19 on supply chains, distribution, and sale of products
- The mitigation of the effects of reduced travel or outside activities on minority business enterprises during COVID-19 or similar occurrences
- Addressing the hazards and the prevention of the transmission and communication of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases
- The management and practice of telework to reduce possible transmission of COVID-19
- The management and practice of remote customer service by electronic and other means
- Identification and mitigation of cyber risks and threats in remote customer service or telework practices
Continue to visit MBDA.gov for additional information and updates on MBDA’s implementation of CARES Act funding and other COVID-19 resources.
For more information on Coronavirus federal resources, updates, and what you should know, visit www.coronavirus.gov