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The Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will expand services in the AIANNH community by providing accelerator programs, coaching programs, and collaboration with Community Development Financial Institution Fund partners in multiple states.

In the area of Innovation and Entrepreneurship the project will provide individual business assessments, one-on-one coaching and a series of workshops and trainings focused on education and information about business concepts and resources available for success.

In the area of Transformative Projects the project will lead efforts to connect AIANNH MBEs with major construction, infrastructure, and information technology projects to increase access to contracts and partnerships. NABEDC is currently working with a team of AIANNH clients and other MBEs on a project to bring broadband to numerous tribes to be completed within the next eighteen months.

Program Director: Kaaren-Lyn Graves


1020 E Missouri Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85014-2602

monicav@azhcc.com(link sends email)