About This Center
Program Director | Dorothy Bridges
Operator | Metropolitan Economic Development Association
The Minnesota MBDA Business Center is a part of a nationwide network of thirty-nine centers. The Center is operated by MEDA, a premier organization that has been dedicated to the development of Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) for more than 40 years. The MBDA is the only federal agency created specifically to foster the growth of minority owned businesses in America.
Our Mission
The mission of the center is to strengthen the US economy by helping ethnic minority businesses create or retain jobs and build economically vibrant socially responsible entrepreneurs, businesses, and communities. The center’s focus is well aligned and consistent with MEDA’s mission of “helping entrepreneurs of color succeed.”
Our Strategy
The MBC seeks to form strategic business alliances between MBE’s, majority corporations and local, state and federal government agencies. Services offered to MBC clients include:
- Develop a work plan according to the MBEs capabilities and needs.
- Provide tailored business consulting to assist MBEs grow and prosper.
- Identify procurement opportunities based on client competencies.
- Promote MBC clients to both the public and private sectors.
- Broker financial transactions between clients and financing sources.
- Assist qualified MBEs with acquisitions or venture capital deals.
- Identify referral sources for MBEs not qualified for MBC assistance
Visit the Minnesota MBDA Business Center website for additional information.
1256 Penn Ave. N.
Suite 4800
Minneapolis, MN 55411